Rapid diagnosis of contact dermatosis
What is a contact dermatosis?
A contact dermatosis is a skin reaction to an irritant or allergenic substance. Most of the time, the victim develops contact dermatitis, but contact urticaria also occurs. Contact dermatitis can cause redness, itching, blisters, calluses and cracks or peeling. Itching and typical papules (called “weals”) are the main symptoms of contact urticaria. The lesions are not necessarily confined to the hands.
Why a special procedure for the rapid diagnosis of contact dermatosis?
The classic occupational disease claim (French - pdf - 652,92 KB) still applies for contact dermatosis of which the origin has already been established with certainty, as well as for other skin diseases.
But it is often not easy to recognize contact dermatosis or identify if it is related to one’s occupation. However, an early and accurate diagnosis is necessary in order to avoid aggravation. This diagnosis can be carried out for free by one of the external expertise centres with which Fedris has concluded a cooperation agreement.
How can I ask for a rapid diagnosis?
If there is a high probability that your condition is a contact dermatosis caused by your professional activity under your current employer:
- Fill out the form 531 (French);
- have your occupational physician or dermatologist complete the form 533 (French);
- send both forms to Fedris
What happens after I apply?
If your application meets the requirements, Fedris will instruct an expertise centre (usually the centre closest to your home) to summon you for a medical examination within 10 working days. The centre of expertise will contact you. Take the travel expense reimbursement form (French) and the certificate of loss of salary for medical examination (French). You will then need to have your employer complete this last form if you were unable to get to work because of the medical examination.
At the end of the expert assessment, your occupational physician or dermatologist (who has completed the form 533F) will receive a detailed report with the diagnosis and - if identifiable - the substance that causes the disease. Fedris will later decide whether your condition can be recognised as an occupational disease and if you are entitled to compensation. You will receive compensation for the salary loss and travel expenses that are related to the medical examinations. The experts’ fees will not be invoiced to you but will be directly and entirely borne by Fedris.
See also
02 272 23 10
- 531 - Demande de réparation d'une dermatose de contact d'origine professionnelle (secteur privé)
- 533 - Attestation médicale réparation d'une dermatose de contact d'origine professionnelle (secteur privé)
- DEP - Demande de remboursement des frais de déplacement dans le cas d'un diagnostic rapide des dermatoses de contact
- SALA - Déclaration de perte de salaire dans le cas d'un diagnostic rapide des dermatoses de contact